Monthly Archives: November 2006

Updates for Firefox 2.0

Good news everybody (cue up Professor Farnsworth), I’ve finally got my server back up to 99% and have upgraded all the extensions for Firefox 2.0. You can go to my extensions list ( and download the latest versions there (NOTE: I haven’t updated the version numbers listed on the site yet). I’m also updating my update.rdf and submitting the extensions to addons right now.

Even better is that all the extensions have now been committed to my shiny new Subversion source control that’ll I’ll open to the public sometime next week. When I do I’ll also release and article on how to download and painlessly upgrade extension version numbers with my handy build scripts.

I hope you enjoy the extensions.

Delay in Firefox 2.0 Extensions Release

I know many of you are still patiently waiting for my extensions to be compatible with Firefox 2.0, but I continue to have severe web server issues. Somehow the server that hosts my extension site has come down and I cannot access it. I’m trying to get the hosting company to reboot it in safe mode right now so I can get to my code and give all of you upgrades to the extensions.

In the meantime, if any of you have hacked the source code and upgraded my extensions, please post a link to them here.

Again, sorry for the delay and thanks for the continued support. You’ll get updates soon.