Category Archives: Events

Climbing Mount Shasta

UPDATE: I’ve written a follow-up post which contains a lot of new information and how my two 2009 trips went.

As 2009 rolled around I decided that this would be a great year to go backpacking up Mount Shasta again. I have attempted the mountain twice in the past and topped out (i.e. reached the summit) once. This year I’m organizing a group trip, which is why I’ve started planning so early and the reason for this post. Here I will outline my experience with the mountain and what to expect.

Continue reading Climbing Mount Shasta

The Start of SXSW

This year I decided to find out what this whole SXSW conference thing was all about. Yesterday I hopped on a plane and when it landed I was surrounded by nerds, geeks and trendy Web 2.0 developers and designers — I suddenly felt home. I spent the day talking to and hanging out with the likes of Steve Ganz, Kimberly Blessing, Kent Brewster, Stephanie Trimble, Dylan Schiemann, Gilnda the Good Witch, among others.

Right now I’m in the “How to Bluff Your Way in Web 2.0” hosted by the very funny Jeremy Keith and Andy Budd. It is a 90 minute mockery of Ajax, Web2.0 and important site design. Half the people in the room have their laptops open and are playing Buzzword Bingo — 2 people have won so far.

Browser Wars Episode II

Looks like Yahoo is getting pretty active on hosting exciting web development events! In their latest offering they will be hosting “Browser War Episode II” where the “Jedi Masters” behind Internet Explorer, Firefox and Opera will converge on a single floor to talk about DOM scripting — and perhaps we’ll even see a death match. OK, that’s my wishful thinking creeping into my blog again. This will all be moderated by the very smart Douglas Crockford.

This should be a very exciting and insightful night!

Browser Wars: Episode II Attack of the DOMs
Feb 28, 2007 Wed 6:00pm
Yahoo Building C, 701 First Avenue, Sunnyvale , California 94089
Douglas Crockford, Architect at Yahoo & Founder of JSON (Moderator & Host)
Chris Wilson, Group Program Manager of the Internet Explorer Platform at Microsoft
Mike Shaver, Director of Ecosystem Development at Mozilla Corporation
HÃ¥kon Wium Lie, CTO at Opera & Founder of CSS