Category Archives: Extensions

TinyUrl 2.0 supports multiple services

One of the most requested features for the TinyUrl Creator extension is to support other URL shrinking services like and After some dedicated research and development I have been able to add the following seven URL shrinking services to the latest version of TinyUrl (v2.0):

To change the service you’re using click Tools > Options and select the service from the dropdown list.

If you prefer another URL shrinking service and would like it to be added to this extension, leave a comment here to let me konw. Be sure to check if the service has an API, because if they don’t the extension will have to resort to screen scraping; which is pretty ugly.

Install TinyUrl Creator

Thanks for all your support.

New Feature in the TinyUrl Creator Firefox Extension

Along with upgrading all my extensions to work in Firefox 3 I also added a new feature to the TinyUrl creator extension: Link Preview.

Now the extension will find all links which have a address and add a tooltip to tell you what the actual URL is. Simply hover your mouse over the link for a moment and the tooltip will appear with the full URL. Here’s an example:

TinyUrl Creator with Link Preview

I can’t actually take full credit for this idea, last month my friend Stephanie Trimble suggested it over twitter. Thanks Stephanie for the idea!

I also plan to add support for other URL shrinking services in this feature. Please post a comment here with your favorite URL shrinking service so I can be sure to add it to the list.

You can install the extension from this page:

As always, I really appreciate the support of my users. Thanks.

Extensions for Firefox 3 are LIVE!

I just finished updating all my extensions for Firefox 3! Thank you for your support and patients during this upgrade. The Firefox code and extension API changed a bit which required me to go back and refactor some of the code and deployment scripts. Currently the Firefox 3 versions are only available from my site ( and I’m working on getting them to the official addons site now.

If you have problems with any of the extensions, please leave a comment to this blog post.

Thanks for all your support.

Extensions for Firefox 3

This is just a quick blog post to let everyone know that I will be upgrading all my extensions to support Firefox 3 by the end of this week. I’m sorry for the delay, it has been hard to find time for extension development in recent months.

On a related note, I feel bad that I have not had the opportunity to spend time on my extensions and would like to see if anybody wants to step up and either help me maintain them or take them over completely. If you’re interested, please post a comment to this blog post. I do not check my mozmonkey email much anymore, due to the amount of spam it gets, so the blog comments are the best way to reach me.

New Version of OpenDownload

I finally got around to updating the OpenDownload extension and it’s now better than ever. Firefox 2.0 now hides the “Open With…” and “Save” options when downloading certain file types. When this happens now OpenDownload adds a “Run” button to the dialog. See screenshot below:

OpenDownload screenshot

I also fixed the bug that would, sometimes, execute the file multiple times.

I’ll be trying to find time to update my other extensions. Recently I’ve changed jobs and am working on a couple other open source projects. I can’t go into much detail right now about the open source projects I’m working on, but expect to hear more soon.

I’ve been at PayPal for about a month now and am really enjoying it. They hired me into their web development platform team as the JavaScript specialist. We’ve adopted the YUI libraries and they are working great to conserve time and provide really customized functionality. Will be sharing more soon.

Speaking of PayPal…

Updates for Firefox 2.0

Good news everybody (cue up Professor Farnsworth), I’ve finally got my server back up to 99% and have upgraded all the extensions for Firefox 2.0. You can go to my extensions list ( and download the latest versions there (NOTE: I haven’t updated the version numbers listed on the site yet). I’m also updating my update.rdf and submitting the extensions to addons right now.

Even better is that all the extensions have now been committed to my shiny new Subversion source control that’ll I’ll open to the public sometime next week. When I do I’ll also release and article on how to download and painlessly upgrade extension version numbers with my handy build scripts.

I hope you enjoy the extensions.

Delay in Firefox 2.0 Extensions Release

I know many of you are still patiently waiting for my extensions to be compatible with Firefox 2.0, but I continue to have severe web server issues. Somehow the server that hosts my extension site has come down and I cannot access it. I’m trying to get the hosting company to reboot it in safe mode right now so I can get to my code and give all of you upgrades to the extensions.

In the meantime, if any of you have hacked the source code and upgraded my extensions, please post a link to them here.

Again, sorry for the delay and thanks for the continued support. You’ll get updates soon.